DID Number

Direct inward dialing number, most commonly referred to as DID number, appears to be normal geographic landlines or mobile phone number. DID number is a virtual number that allows you to route calls to your existing telephone lines. They were developed to assign certain employees a direct number, without getting multiple physical telephone lines.

DID Number

Today most businesses have several incoming phone numbers used for specific purposes such as customer service, sales, etc. With the help of direct inward dialing number, a company can provide individual phone numbers to each person or workstation within the company without requiring a physical line into the PBX for each possible connection.

DID numbers can use VoIP or the public switched telephone network and can be configured to be forwarded to the PBX, mobile device, or landline phone number of your choice, no matter where in the world your company is located. The company can cut the long distance costs that would be incurred with employees talking to each other overseas.

Why your business needs DID Number?

cost savings

Cost Savings

better caller experience

Better Caller Experience



simultaneous calls

Simultaneous Calls

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